Calculus I –
An introduction to the differential and integral calculus of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and inverse trigonometric functions with applications including graphical analysis, optimization and numerical methods.
Introduction to Economics –
Theories and institutions that organize and direct economic activities in contemporary society. Covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics, prepares students for understanding domestic and international economic issues, and serves as a foundation for further work in economics.
Writing 101 – School in the Novel –
WRI 101 helps students develop the skills of writing in the liberal arts: critical analysis of texts, exploration of and deliberation about public and intellectual issues; familiarity with research strategies; understanding the conventions for using with integrity the work of others; and crafting inventive, correct, and rhetorically sophisticated prose. The subjects for writing in the course vary by instructors.
Elementary Spanish I –
An introduction to speaking, understanding, reading, and writing Spanish. Requires attendance at Assistant Teacher sessions twice a week and online work through the Language Resource Center. Conducted in Spanish.
Elementary Spanish II-
Development of further skills in speaking, understanding, reading and writing Spanish through a review of grammar and readings in the literature and culture of Spain and/or Latin America. Requires attendance at Assistant Teacher sessions twice a week and online work through the Language Resource Center. Conducted in Spanish.
Intermediate Spanish –
Extensive reading and discussion in Spanish of texts of moderate difficulty in the cultures and literatures of Spain, Latin America and US Latino; grammar study; extensive conversation practice, Requires attendance at Assistant Teacher sessions once a week and online work through the Language Resource Center. Service learning may be required. Meets the degree requirement for proficiency in foreign language.
Latin America to 1825 –
A survey of Latin American history from the eve of Spain’s conquest of the Americas to the era of Latin American independence from Spain. An introduction to the societies of the Americas and the major social, political, and economic themes following the arrival of Europeans to the Americas.
Early Modern European Philosophy –
Introduction to philosophy in the early modern period, i.e., the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Emphasis on metaphysical and epistemological issues in the work of philosophers selected from this list: Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant.
Introduction to Dance –
This course provides an introduction to creative and analytical components to the art and artistic world of dance. Through lectures, readings, video screenings, discussions, attendance at performances, and critical writing, students will build a well-rounded, foundational understanding of the major concepts and issues in the study of dance. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Dance History, Dance Theory, and Dance Appreciation.
“Course Catalog .” Davidson College – Acalog ACMS™, Davidson College, 2017, catalog.davidson.edu/index.php?catoid=13.